Authorize end user

Your user must first authorize your application to access their accounting service (e.g., Xero, Lexoffice, Sevdesk) via the respective authentication mechanism (e.g., OAuth2, API key) through maesn Connect.


Import contacts

Fetch the relevant contacts from your customer’s accounting service using the GET /customers or the GET /suppliers endpoint.


Reconcile contacts

Match the contacts imported from your customer’s accounting system with any existing contacts in your application, using relevant fields like taxNumber, email and companyName. Update contacts with newer information from the accounting system if available and resolve conflicting information.


Export contacts

Use the POST /customers or /suppliers endpoint to create contacts that exist in your application, but not in your customer’s accounting system. Use PUT /customers, PATCH /customers, PUT /suppliers or PATCH /suppliers to update contacts in your customer’s accounting system if your application has more recent information on a contact.


Keep your data fresh

After fetching contact data initially, you should make sure to keep your customer’s contact data up to date by regularly retrieving data through the GET endpoints. The lastModified query parameter can be utilized on all our GET endpoints to save you the hassle of creating deltas to detect change. See our guide to keeping data fresh for more information!